
Part Number Manufacturer Description Package Stock
DMC964060R Panasonic Electronic Components TRANS PREBIAS DUAL NPN SSMINI6 SOT-563, SOT-666 127,134
RN1904FE,LF(CT Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage TRANS 2NPN PREBIAS 0.1W ES6 SOT-563, SOT-666 29,826
UP04211G0L Panasonic Electronic Components TRANS PREBIAS DUAL NPN SSMINI6 SOT-563, SOT-666 84,672
DMG963010R Panasonic Electronic Components TRANS PREBIAS NPN/PNP SSMINI5 SOT-665 6,256
DMA964030R Panasonic Electronic Components TRANS PREBIAS DUAL PNP SSMINI6 SOT-563, SOT-666 5,632
RN1908FE(TE85L,F) Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage TRANS 2NPN PREBIAS 0.1W ES6 SOT-563, SOT-666 33,144
RN2708JE(TE85L,F) Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage TRANS 2PNP PREBIAS 0.1W ESV SOT-553 7,184
RN1601(TE85L,F) Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage TRANS 2NPN PREBIAS 0.3W SM6 SC-74, SOT-457 3,392
NSBC144EPDXV6T5G ON Semiconductor TRANS PREBIAS NPN/PNP SOT563 SOT-563, SOT-666 6,272
PIMD2,125 Nexperia USA Inc. TRANS NPN/PNP PREBIAS 0.6W 6TSOP SC-74, SOT-457 6,352

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