
Part Number Manufacturer Description Package Stock
2N3563 Central Semiconductor Corp TRANSISTOR NPN TO-106 TO-106-3 Domed 5,440
MMBT5087 Fairchild/ON Semiconductor TRANS PNP 50V 0.1A SOT-23 TO-236-3, SC-59, SOT-23-3 1,050,816
BC847CW-7-F Diodes Incorporated TRANS NPN 45V 0.1A SC70-3 SC-70, SOT-323 144,000
2SC2713-GR,LF Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage TRANS NPN 120V 0.1A S-MINI TO-236-3, SC-59, SOT-23-3 83,070
TIP32G ON Semiconductor TRANS PNP 40V 3A TO220AB TO-220-3 23,280
2N2270 Central Semiconductor Corp TRANS NPN 45V 1A TO-39 TO-205AD, TO-39-3 Metal Can 5,392
PHE13009,127 WeEn Semiconductors TRANS NPN 400V 12A TO220AB TO-220-3 31,266
2DA1201Y-7 Diodes Incorporated TRANS PNP 120V 0.8A SOT89 TO-243AA 240,000
BCV47 TR Central Semiconductor Corp TRANS NPN 80V SOT23 TO-236-3, SC-59, SOT-23-3 6,192
MJD210RLG ON Semiconductor TRANS PNP 25V 5A DPAK TO-252-3, DPak (2 Leads + Tab), SC-63 63,588

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