
Part Number Manufacturer Description Package Stock
R5F100LDAFB#X0 Renesas Electronics America IC MCU 16BIT 64-LQFP 5,584
M0564LG4AE Nuvoton Technology Corporation of America NUMICRO M0564 SERIES-HAS 256 KB 48-LQFP 7,408
STM32F429AIH6 STMicroelectronics IC MCU 32BIT 2MB FLASH 169UFBGA 169-UFBGA 29,256
R5F563NFDDFC#V0 Renesas Electronics America IC MCU 32BIT 2MB FLASH 176LFQFP 176-LQFP 7,968
PIC32MX460F256L-80I/PT Microchip Technology IC MCU 32BIT 256KB FLASH 100TQFP 100-TQFP 11,664
TM4C1292NCZADT3 Texas Instruments IC MCU 32BIT 1MB FLASH 212NFBGA 212-VFBGA 6,648
EFM32GG880F1024G-E-QFP100 Silicon Labs IC MCU 32BIT 1MB FLASH 100LQFP 100-LQFP 7,600
PIC32MK1024MCF064T-I/PT Microchip Technology IC MCU 32BIT 1MB FLASH 64TQFP 64-TQFP 4,672
PIC18F43K22-I/MV Microchip Technology IC MCU 8BIT 8KB FLASH 40UQFN 40-UFQFN Exposed Pad 22,080
PIC16F1789-E/P Microchip Technology IC MCU 8BIT 28KB FLASH 40DIP 40-DIP (0.600", 15.24mm) 6,368

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