
Part Number Manufacturer Description Package Stock
SFH 4715A OSRAM Opto Semiconductors Inc. EMITTER IR 860NM 1.5A SMD 3-SMD, No Lead 14,628
SE1450-003 Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions EMITTER IR 935NM 50MA COAXIAL Coaxial, Metal Can 8,136
VSMF2893GX01 Vishay Semiconductor Opto Division EMITTER IR 890NM 100MA SMD 2-SMD, Gull Wing 2,682
MTE2077N1-R Marktech Optoelectronics EMITTER VISIBLE 765NM 50MA RAD Radial 9,636
MTE5015-015-IR Marktech Optoelectronics SWIR EMITTER 1550NM TO-46 DOMED TO-46-2 Lens Top Metal Can 7,884
MT51020-IR Marktech Optoelectronics EMITTER IR 1020NM 5MM RADIAL Radial 5,922
RVXP4-280-SB-076232 RayVio Corporation EMITTER UV 280NM 200MA SMD Star Array 5,868
QEE113E3R0 Fairchild/ON Semiconductor EMITTER IR 940NM 50MA RADIAL Radial 3,978
QBLP653B-IR1 QT Brightek (QTB) LED IR CHIP 940NM BK LENS 1208 1209 (3224 Metric) 7,038
APA3010F3C Kingbright EMITTER IR 940NM 50MA SMD 2-SMD, No Lead 4,356

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