
Part Number Manufacturer Description Package Stock
CA2541 Ohmite POT 250K OHM 2W CARBON LOG - 7,848
RNS2K5E Ohmite POT 2.5K OHM 300W WIREWOUND LIN - 4,518
RNS700 Ohmite POT 700 OHM 300W WIREWOUND LIN - 7,038
3500S-2-502 Bourns Inc. POT 5K OHM 2W WIREWOUND LINEAR - 3,852
3547H-1AC-102B Bourns Inc. POT 1K OHM 1W HYBRITRON LINEAR - 2,664
A475000 Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions POT 5K OHM 1/2W PLASTIC LINEAR - 8,244
EVU-E3JFK4B54 Panasonic Electronic Components POT 50K OHM 1/20W LINEAR - 16,002
17PCSA103MC19P TE Connectivity Passive Product POT 10K OHM 1/4W CARBON LINEAR - 18,888
53AAA-B28-B15L Bourns Inc. POT 10K OHM 1/2W PLASTIC LINEAR - 8,730
308N5K Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions POT 5K OHM 1/2W PLASTIC LINEAR - 6,780

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