
Part Number Manufacturer Description Package Stock
67F085-0091 Sensata Technologies/Airpax THERMOSTAT 85 DEG NO TO-220 TO-220-2 3,168
3455RC 04870003 Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions AUTO RESET THERMOSTAT Cylinder 8,190
3455RM 00870203 Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions MANUAL RESET THERMOSTAT Cylinder 2,268
3455RM 01380027 Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions MANUAL RESET THERMOSTAT Cylinder 4,410
2455R99130432 Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions AUTO RESET THERMOSTAT Cylinder with Mounting Flange 3,474
3450CM 03250008 Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions CERAMIC MANUAL RESET THERMOSTAT Module 5,076
3.45E+11 Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions CERAMIC MANUAL RESET THERMOSTAT - 4,644
3.45501E+11 Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions PHENOLIC AUTO RESET THERMOSTAT - 8,874
2455RBV92290908 Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions AUTO RESET THERMOSTAT Cylinder with Mounting Flange 7,164
2455R77100904 Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions AUTO RESET THERMOSTAT Cylinder with Mounting Flange 3,240

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