
Part Number Manufacturer Description Package Stock
CR4260-5 CR Magnetics Inc. SENSOR CURRENT XFMR 5A AC Module 7,578
CR4210-200 CR Magnetics Inc. SENSOR CURRENT XFMR 200A AC Module 5,418
LA 25-P LEM USA Inc. SENSOR CURRENT HALL 25A AC/DC Module, Single Pass Through 3,816
HAT 1000-S LEM USA Inc. SENSOR CURRENT HALL 1000A AC/DC Module 7,056
CSNE381 Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions SENSOR CURRENT HALL 36A AC/DC Module, Single Pass Through 2,754
CSCA0200A000B15B02 Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions SENSOR CURRENT HALL 200A AC/DC Module 4,248
L37S300D15M Tamura SENSOR Module 7,416
L31S600S05FS Tamura SENSOR CURRENT HALL 600A AC/DC Module, Single Pass Through 5,634
L18P005S12 Tamura SENSOR CURRENT HALL 5A AC/DC Module 3,312
ACS756SCB-100B-PFF-T Allegro MicroSystems, LLC SENSOR CURRENT HALL 5-CB Formed Leads, PFF 2,100

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