
Part Number Manufacturer Description Package Stock
XHS35F-62-R1-SS-2048-ABZC-28V/V-SM18 BEI Sensors ENCODER ROTARY 2048PPR 28V - 5,688
H20DB-25-SS-2000-T2-AB-28V/V-SM16-S BEI Sensors ENCODER ROTARY 2000PPR 28V SPEC - 8,658
E6A2-CW3E-100P/R 0.5M Omron Automation and Safety ENCODER ROTARY 5-12V 100RES .5M - 6,120
ZGG0200C Red Lion Controls 200 PPR - 4,068
62H3030-H9-060S Grayhill Inc. ENCODER OPTICAL 12POS 6" CBL - 6,480
63K256-250 Grayhill Inc. OPTICAL ENCODER - 5,724
61R25 Grayhill Inc. OPTICAL ENCODER - 2,718
62S22-H9-060CH Grayhill Inc. OPTICAL ENCODER - 2,718
62A11-02-130S Grayhill Inc. ENCODER OPTICAL 32POS 13" CBL - 6,012
62A22-02-090C Grayhill Inc. OPTICAL ENCODER - 2,790

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