
Part Number Manufacturer Description Package Stock
LSAHC001 Red Lion Controls HINGE CLAMP ASSEMBLY - 6,372
F03-16PT-10M Omron Automation and Safety SENSING BAND LIQUID 10M - 3,960
D02197206 Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions RESISTIVE & OPTICAL RIVET OVAL - 6,750
Y92E-D1R6 Omron Automation and Safety MOUNTING BRACKET 1SCREW FOR E2S - 4,374
E39-L139 Omron Automation and Safety L-BRACKET VERT MOUNTING E3M-V - 4,302
MB5B0000 Red Lion Controls PSA8B PROXIMITY SENSOR - 7,776
E39-L129 Omron Automation and Safety TERMINAL COVER FOR E3G MR/ML - 2,484
FC-NA40-14 Panasonic Industrial Automation Sales FRONT COVER FOR NA40-14(H) - 5,400
SA07-MA15 Omron Automation and Safety REPLACEMENT ACT FOR MA-15 RED - 2,646
E39-L180 Omron Automation and Safety ZX1 MNTG BRKT LD50/100 - 5,400

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