
Part Number Manufacturer Description Package Stock
55100-3M-01-D Littelfuse Inc. SENSOR HALL VOLTAGE W LEADS CONN Module 2,628
55140-AP-03-D Littelfuse Inc. SENSOR HALL DIGITAL W LEADS CONN Rectangular, Wire Leads 5,022
55SS16=NEW1 Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions SENSOR UNIPOLAR SW CURRENT QC - 8,118
MSS-19C Magnasphere Corp SENSOR BALL SW SPST-NO W LEADS Module 6,036
59065-4-S-02-A Littelfuse Inc. SENSOR REED SW SPST-NC W LEADS Cylinder, Threaded 2,934
MK28-1A-500W Standex-Meder Electronics SENSOR REED SW SPST WIRE LEADS Module 8,442
MP1-L-0400-203-5%-RH Spectra Symbol SENSOR POT RESISTIVE WIRE LEADS Cantilever Piezo Film (Wafer) 2,664
MSS-320S Magnasphere Corp SENSOR BALL SW SPST-NC W LEADS Module 3,870
FF6-10-AC-03 Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions SENSOR REED SW NO/NC CABLE LEADS Rectangular, Wire Leads 8,964
59020-1-T-01-C Littelfuse Inc. SENSOR WIRE LEADS Cylinder, Wire Leads 3,834

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