
Part Number Manufacturer Description Package Stock
E3T-FL14 2M Omron Automation and Safety SENSOR DIFF/REF 2M DK ON PNP - 5,148
E3ZM-R81-S3J 0.3M Omron Automation and Safety RETRO, 4M, PRE-WIRED, PNP - 8,280
MC47WS-KT-301 Omron Automation and Safety MC47 WELD SHIELD 301MM - 5,832
E3C-LD31 2M Omron Automation and Safety SENS HEAD AREA BEAM DIFFUSE REFL - 3,924
ZX2-LD100 Omron Automation and Safety ZX2 HEAD 100MM DIFFUSE SPOT - 6,030
F3SJ-E0625P25 Omron Automation and Safety F3SJ-E0625P25 - 5,148
MSF4800B-30-1560-X Omron Automation and Safety TRANSMITTER SAFETY LIGHT CURTAIN - 8,640
MS4800B-30-0640-10X-10R Omron Automation and Safety SAFETY LIGHT CURTAIN - 3,906
MSF4800-30-0880-XR2 Omron Automation and Safety SAFETY LIGHT CURTAIN - 5,796
MS4800A-40-0600-10X-10R-RM2AP- Omron Automation and Safety SAFETY LIGHT CURTAIN - 7,596

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