
Part Number Manufacturer Description Package Stock
OPB983P55 TT Electronics/Optek Technology SWITCH SLOTTED OPT W/WIRE LEADS Module, Pre-Wired 5,994
OPB990N55 TT Electronics/Optek Technology SWITCH SLOTTED OPT W/WIRE LEADS Module, Pre-Wired 2,862
OPB991T55 TT Electronics/Optek Technology SWITCH SLOTTED OPT W/WIRE LEADS Module, Pre-Wired 5,670
HOA6962-N51 Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions SENSOR TRANS TRANSM OPTOSCHMITT PCB Mount 7,002
HOA6990-T55 Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions SENSOR TRANS OPAQUE OPTOSCHMITT Module, Pre-Wired 5,472
HOA6992-T51 Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions SENSOR TRANS OPAQUE OPTOSCHMITT Module, Pre-Wired 3,942
SF4-AH12-N Panasonic Industrial Automation Sales SENSOR 12CH 20MM P-P NPN Module, Pre-Wired 4,176
SF4-AH32-N Panasonic Industrial Automation Sales SENSOR 32CH 20MM P-P NPN Module, Pre-Wired 7,488
EE-SPX303N Omron Automation and Safety PHOTOMICROSENSOR 5-24VDC NPN Module, Slotted 15,924
OPB616 TT Electronics/Optek Technology SWITCH SLOTTED OPTICAL PCB Mount 21,984

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