
Part Number Manufacturer Description Package Stock
EE-SX672-WR 1M Omron Automation and Safety OPTO SENSOR TSG NPN CONN Module, Connector, Slot Type 8,244
EE-SX872A Omron Automation and Safety OPTO SENSOR 5MM LIGHTON TSHAPE Module, Pre-Wired 6,498
OPB963T55 TT Electronics/Optek Technology SWITCH SLOTTED OPTICAL WIRE LDS PCB Mount 6,216
PM-T45-P Panasonic Industrial Automation Sales SENSOR SLOT PNP Module, Wire Leads, Slot Type 5,778
PM-T45-P-C3 Panasonic Industrial Automation Sales SENSOR SLOT PNP CABLE 3M Module, Wire Leads, Slot Type 5,904
EE-SX301 Omron Electronics Inc-EMC Div OPTO SENSOR SLOT TYPE 3.4MM PCB PCB Mount 6,840
OPB983T55Z TT Electronics/Optek Technology SWITCH SLOTTED OPT W/WIRE LEADS Module, Pre-Wired 8,874
M18-LP1600-A-M Panasonic Industrial Automation Sales SENSOR LASER 16M NPN 10-30VDC Cylinder, Threaded - M18 5,850
M18-LP1600-A-M-PN-J Panasonic Industrial Automation Sales SENSOR LASER 16M PNP 10-30VDC Cylinder, Threaded - M18 4,050
M18-LD0025-R-P Panasonic Industrial Automation Sales SENSOR LASER 250MM NPN 10-30VDC Cylinder, Threaded - M18 2,862

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