
Part Number Manufacturer Description Package Stock
OPB120A TT Electronics/Optek Technology SWITCH SLOTTD OPTICAL PHOTOLOGIC PCB Mount 4,950
OPB122B TT Electronics/Optek Technology SWITCH SLOTTED OPTIC PHOTOLOGIC PCB Mount 6,696
OPB943L51 TT Electronics/Optek Technology SWITCH SLOTTED OPTICAL WIDE GAP PCB Mount 3,924
OPB981L11Z TT Electronics/Optek Technology SWITCH SLOTTED OPTICAL WIRE LDS Module, Pre-Wired 8,730
M18-LD0035-A-P Panasonic Industrial Automation Sales SENSOR LASER 350MM NPN 10-30VDC Cylinder, Threaded - M18 3,708
M18-LT6000-A-P-PN-J Panasonic Industrial Automation Sales SENSOR LASER 60M PNP 10-30VDC Cylinder, Threaded - M18 6,318
LC-120-PL2000-A-P-J Panasonic Industrial Automation Sales LASER SENSOR 20M NPN M12 Module, Pre-Wired 5,886
GP1A53HR Sharp Microelectronics PHOTOINTER OPIC SLOT 5.0MM PCB PCB Mount 262,800
GP1A75E Sharp Microelectronics PHOTOINTER OPIC SLOT 5.0MM W/CON Module, Connector 3,294
GP1A73AJ000F Sharp Microelectronics SENSR OPTO REFLECTIVE SNAPIN PCB Slotted Module with Connector 1,366,404

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