
Part Number Manufacturer Description Package Stock
OPB100Z TT Electronics/Optek Technology SENSR OPTO TRANS 304.8MM SNAP-IN Module, Pre-Wired 20,376
OPB660N TT Electronics/Optek Technology SENS OPTO SLOT 3.18MM TRAS W/RES PCB Mount 8,004
GP1S53VJ000F Sharp Microelectronics SENSOR OPTO SLOT 5MM TRANS THRU 4-DIP 1,256,640
PM-K24P Panasonic Industrial Automation Sales SENSOR PHOTO 5MM 5-24VDC PNP Module, Wire Leads, Slot Type 8,460
GP1S525V Sharp Microelectronics PHOTOINTERRUPT HORIZ SLOT PCB PCB Mount 15,576
PM-K24-R Panasonic Industrial Automation Sales SENSOR PHOTO 5MM 5-24VDC NPN Module, Wire Leads, Slot Type 7,830
EE-SX953-R 3M Omron Automation and Safety R-SHP 5MM PW NPN 3M ROBOTIC Module, Wire Leads, Slot Type 5,904
OPB847 TT Electronics/Optek Technology SENS OPTO SLOT 2.54MM TRANS THRU PCB Mount 3,024
RPI-125 Rohm Semiconductor PHOTOINTERRUPTER ULTRAMIN HI RES Slotted Module 624,000
RPI-303 Rohm Semiconductor SENS OPTO SLOT 3MM TRANS SNAP-IN PCB Mount 627,600

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