
Part Number Manufacturer Description Package Stock
PX2AG1XX025BSCHX Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions HEAVY DUTY PRESSURE TRANSDUCER Cylinder 4,734
19C015PV2L Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions SENSOR PRESSURE VAC GAUGE 15PSI Cylinder 6,606
P51-75-G-AD-P-5V-000-000 SSI Technologies Inc SENSOR 75PSI 7/16-20UNF 1-5V Cylinder 3,562
P51-750-S-J-I12-5V-000-000 SSI Technologies Inc SENSOR 750PSIS 3/8 UNF 5V 12" Cylinder 3,276
P51-100-S-P-I12-20MA-000-000 SSI Technologies Inc SENSOR 100PSIS M20 4-20 MA Cylinder 4,608
P51-50-G-P-MD-5V-000-000 SSI Technologies Inc SENSOR 50PSI M20-1.5 6G 1-5V Cylinder 2,340
P51-200-G-P-MD-5V-000-000 SSI Technologies Inc SENSOR 200PSI M20-1.5 6G 1-5V Cylinder 6,462
P51-15-G-H-MD-20MA-000-000 SSI Technologies Inc SENSOR 15PSI M12-1.5 6G 4-20MA Cylinder 5,382
P51-100-A-G-P-4.5V-000-000 SSI Technologies Inc SENSOR 100PSI 1/8-27NPT .5-4.5V Cylinder 7,578
P51-3000-A-H-I12-4.5V-000-000 SSI Technologies Inc SENSOR 3000PSI M12-1.5 6G 4.5V Cylinder 8,946

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