
Part Number Manufacturer Description Package Stock
PPT2-0300GWR5VE Honeywell Microelectronics & Precision Sensors PPT2 MV 5V 1FS -55TO110 300PSIG - 3,690
P51-100-A-N-I36-4.5V SSI Technologies Inc SENSOR 100PSI 1.2-20UNF-2A 4.5V Cylinder 2,970
86-050G-C TE Connectivity Measurement Specialties SENSOR PRESSURE 50PSIG STEEL Cylinder 5,904
HSCSNBN060MDAA3 Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions SENSOR PRES 60MBAR DIFF 3.3V SIP 4-SIP, Dual Ports, Same Side 7,164
PX2AF1XX667PSAAM Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions HEAVY DUTY PRESSURE TRANSDUCER Cylinder 2,160
PX2AF1XX667PSAAX Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions PRESSURE TRANSDUCER 667PSI Cylinder 2,520
XPCL04GTC Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions SENSOR PRESS GAUGE 4" H2O 4SIP 4-SIP Module 6,264
P51-750-A-C-I12-5V-000-000 SSI Technologies Inc SENSOR 750PSI M12-1.5 6G 1-5V Cylinder 3,546
P51-1500-S-AD-P-4.5OVP-000-000 SSI Technologies Inc SENSOR 1500PSI 7/16-20 UNF 4.5V Cylinder 2,484
P51-75-G-AF-D-4.5V-000-000 SSI Technologies Inc SENSOR 75PSI 9/16-18UNF .5-4.5V Cylinder 4,356

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