
Part Number Manufacturer Description Package Stock
PPT2-0100GRW5VE Honeywell Microelectronics & Precision Sensors PPT2 MV 5V 1FS -55TO110 100PSIG - 7,542
SX150GSMT Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions SENSOR 0-300PSI GAUGE SMT 8-SMD Module 4,194
NBPLLNN060PGUNV Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions SENSOR 60 PSIG UNAMPLIFIED SMD 6-SMD, No Lead, Top Port 6,504
DLVR-L02D-E2NJ-C-NI5F All Sensors Corporation SENSOR PRESSURE 2" H2O 8SMD 8-SMD Module 4,788
NSCSNNN004BGUNV Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions BRD MNT PRESSURE SENSORS 4-SIP Module 8,532
NSCSMNN100MDUNV Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions SENSOR PRES 100PSI DIFF 12V SIP 4-SIP Module 4,194
NPC-1220-030G-3-L Amphenol Advanced Sensors SENSOR PRES 30PSIA 0-50MV DIP 8-DIP Module 7,416
SSCMNND001PDAA3 Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions SENSOR PRES 1PSI DIFF 3.3V SMT 8-SMD, J-Lead 3,060
HSCMRND015PASA3 Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions SENSOR PRES 15PSI ABSO 3.3V SMT 8-SMD, J-Lead, Side Port 3,024
P51-300-S-L-D-4.5V-000-000 SSI Technologies Inc SENSOR 300PSI M10-1.25 6H 4.5V Cylinder 7,002

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