
Part Number Manufacturer Description Package Stock
E2F-X5E2 Omron Automation and Safety SENS PROX M18 5MM DC3W-NC Cylinder, Threaded - M18 7,578
E2B-S08LS01-WP-B2 2M Omron Automation and Safety SINGLE M8 LONG PW 2M PNP NC Cylinder, Threaded - M8 5,274
IMN33124M12 Crouzet IPD M12 SHLD 3W SPST M12 Cylinder, Threaded - M12 5,184
IMM2682M12 Crouzet IPD M8 NONSHLD 3W SPST M12 Cylinder, Threaded - M8 5,454
IMA26654M8 Crouzet SENS INDUCT PROX 3W NPN NC M8 Cylinder, Threaded - M6 6,480
E2A-M08KS02-M1-B1 Omron Automation and Safety SENS PROX M8 2MM PNP-NO SHIELDED Cylinder, Threaded - M8 5,634
IMN361816M12 Crouzet IPD M18 NONSHLD 3W SPST M12 Cylinder, Threaded - M18 2,160
IMC2684C Crouzet SENS INDUCT PROX 3W SPST 2MB Cylinder, Threaded - M8 2,322
E2E-C06S02-MC-B1 Omron Automation and Safety DIA 6.5MM 2MM M8 3P PNP NO Cylinder 5,724
IMA36656M8 Crouzet SENS INDUCT PROX 3W PNP NC M8 Cylinder 8,424

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