
Part Number Manufacturer Description Package Stock
A22N-PS116 Omron Automation and Safety OPEN-CLOSE - 6,624
AML54-F11AA Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions ROCKER OPERATOR FOR INCANDSCENT - 5,544
AML54-T10WB Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions ROCKER OPERATOR FOR INCANDSCENT - 4,284
A165-TGYM Omron Automation and Safety DISPLAY UNIT - 7,236
A22-6DA Omron Automation and Safety LAMP LED 6VDC 22 SERIES BLUE - 4,608
5003-4E Ohmite TAP SWITCH DIALS - 3,870
D7G-JD Electroswitch WAFER SW SP-11POS NON-SHORT - 2,376
LSZ55A Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions ROLLER WITH OFFSET NYLON - 5,526
D3-600 Electroswitch ASSEMBLY SHAFT 1-4SECT .25"DIA - 5,994
EPM95BGW-1017S Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions EPM95 LEGEND INSERT SHUT OFF - 3,330

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