
Part Number Manufacturer Description Package Stock
LSZ1B Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions LIMIT SWITCH TOP ROTATORY MOMENT - 8,892
LSR1A-1B Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions LEVER FOR ROTARY SWITCH - 8,568
SM06-SL710 Omron Automation and Safety SM06-SL710, REPLACEMENT LID - 2,736
LSN1A-1B Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions LEVER FOR ROTARY SWITCH - 5,580
A22N-PS30 Omron Automation and Safety ON - 3,672
A16N-PR115 Omron Automation and Safety SWITCH PLATE E-STOP ON/OFF - 6,426
A16N-PX105 Omron Automation and Safety SWITCH PLATE E-STOP HAND/AUTO - 5,076
WLRH2 Omron Automation and Safety LIMIT SW W/O LEVER - 5,400
854.0631 Schurter Inc. LENS PEARL EMF RND 18MM - 4,302
445400746 C&K SWITCH BEZEL J37 BLACK - 16,176

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