
Part Number Manufacturer Description Package Stock
84BB-1633-A Grayhill Inc. KEYPAD LEGEND - 8,280
AS-12031 Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions LARGE BASIC SWITCH COMPONENT - 3,132
21B1022-5 Grayhill Inc. WASHER INS GRN - 6,732
JG-72972 Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions TOGGLE SW HDW - 2,016
AML55-H10RR Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions COVERS PADDLE SWES 1/2 COVER TYP - 2,106
AML54-F11RG Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions AML54 FULL ROCKER OPERATORCOVER - 4,842
AML55-T10LL Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions RECT TWO PIECE COVER W/ ONE LED - 3,222
D4C-5 Electroswitch WAFER SW 3P-5POS NON-SHORT - 6,426
WL-7H300 Omron Automation and Safety LEVER TOP PLUNGER HEAD WL SERIES - 6,462
SB12-ALEDE Omron Automation and Safety LED BEACON, AMBER, 24VDC, M20 - 6,570

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