
Part Number Manufacturer Description Package Stock
E3ZM-T81 5M Omron Automation and Safety SENSOR PHOTOELECTRIC 15M - 7,830
SF2B-H16SL Panasonic Industrial Automation Sales SENSOR HAND TYPE 20MM 312MM - 7,830
ZX2-LD50L Omron Automation and Safety ZX2 HEAD 50MM DIFFUSE LINE - 7,524
MS4800B-40-0360 Omron Automation and Safety SAFETY LIGHT CURTAIN - 2,682
SF2B-A44-N Panasonic Industrial Automation Sales LITE CURTAIN ARM/FT NPN 1752MM - 3,276
PA46-3-500-Q2-NC1-NP Omron Automation and Safety SYSTEM - 2,934
MS4800S-14-1000-SB1-R Omron Automation and Safety RECEIVER SAFETY LIGHT CURTAIN - 8,694
F3SJ-A0875P20 Omron Automation and Safety F3SJ-A0875P20 - 7,488
MS4800B-20-0880 Omron Automation and Safety SAFETY LIGHT CURTAIN - 7,416
MSF4800-30-1240-XR2 Omron Automation and Safety SAFETY LIGHT CURTAIN - 7,254

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