
Part Number Manufacturer Description Package Stock
SF4B-H28G(V2) Panasonic Industrial Automation Sales SAFETY LITE CURTAIN HAND 564MM - 4,806
SF4B-H40G-01(V2) Panasonic Industrial Automation Sales ROBUST SFTY LIGHT CURTAIN 804MM - 2,394
MS4800B-20-0320 Omron Automation and Safety SAFETY LIGHT CURTAIN - 3,798
MS4800S-30-0720-R Omron Automation and Safety RECEIVER SAFETY LIGHT CURTAIN - 6,282
PA46-4-300-NC1-NP Omron Automation and Safety SYSTEM - 6,174
MSF4800-30-0760-XR2 Omron Automation and Safety SAFETY LIGHT CURTAIN - 3,562
MP21Y-30-1200-AS Omron Automation and Safety SYSTEM - 2,016
MS4800S-20-0680-10X-10R-RMX Omron Automation and Safety SAFETY LIGHT CURTAIN - 2,628
SF4B-F127-01(V2) Panasonic Industrial Automation Sales LIGHT CURTAIN FINGER 1270MM - 6,192
MS4800A-30-1240 Omron Automation and Safety SAFETY LIGHT CURTAIN - 5,076

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